Submission Preparation Checklist
All submissions must meet the following requirements.
- This submission meets the requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
- This submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration.
- All references have been checked for accuracy and completeness.
- All tables and figures have been numbered and labeled.
- Permission has been obtained to publish all photos, datasets and other material provided with this submission.
Section default policyCopyright Notice
The Romanian Journal of Public Affairs (RJPA) is published by the Center for Public Affairs – Faculty of Public Administration, National University of Political Studies and Public Administration (NUPSPA) in Bucharest, Romania. It is an open-access journal for researchers, Ph.D students, master students, undergraduate students, practitioners and other categories of readers interested in finding the newest in public affairs. The articles are double peer-reviewed, aiming to promote interdisciplinary research in governance, public administration, public affairs, public policy, law, economics and finance, following the philosophy of international interdisciplinary journals.
RJPA is aiming to promote interdisciplinary research in governance, public administration, public affairs, public policy, law, economics and finance, following the philosophy of international interdisciplinary journals.
RJPA'S editorial board consists of an Editor-in-Chief, Associate editors, Senior Editor, Editorial staff, Scientific Council and Administrative staff.
All articles will be evaluated in parallel by at least two members of the scientific committee, being a double-blind review (reviewers do not know the author of the article, the author does not know the name of the reviewers). Evaluation criteria to be followed are: novelty of the topic, quality of research methodology, clarity of presentation, relevant bibliographic sources used and contributions to the field. The editorial team will consider that the evaluator does not come from the same institution as the author/authors of the research subject to evaluation.
Plagiarism, including attempts to pass off someone else's work as your own, duplicate publication of the author’s own work, in whole or in part, without proper citation, is not tolerated by the journal. Depending on the severity of plagiarism, authors can be banned to submit other manuscripts for publication for a period ranging from 1 to 5 years. Minor plagiarism (under 15%), without dishonest intent, is rather frequent and is handled by the editors on a case by case basis. In most cases, authors will be required to correct the text and to use proper citation. All submissions must be accompanied by a declaration of originality filled in by the author(s).
The editorial board is committed to uphold the highest standards of ethics and responsibility in the realm of artificial intelligence (AI). In order to address and mitigate concerns associated with the undisclosed use of AI technologies, all submissions must be accompanied by a statement on the use / non-use of artificial intelligence in the writing process.
The editorial board is committed to fostering an inclusive and diverse scholarly environment that values and celebrates a broad spectrum of perspectives. We recognize the importance of addressing issues related to discrimination and promoting equity across all fields of study. At the same time, RJPA actively seeks and promotes contributions from authors with diverse backgrounds, experiences and perspectives, ensuring that the content published in our journal reflect a rich variety of voices. We strive to assemble a diverse group of reviewers who bring a variety of viewpoints to the review process, thus ensuring a more comprehensive and fair peer review process. In addition, we aim to implement and promote accessibility standards to ensure that our journal is accessible to researchers and readers of diverse abilities. Last but not least, RJPA is committed not to collaborate with any person or organization that promotes nationalistic, hateful or discriminatory discourse.
A competing interest — often called a conflict of interest — exists when professional judgment concerning a primary interest (such as patients' welfare or the validity of research) may be influenced by a secondary interest (such as financial gain or personal rivalry). It may arise for the authors of an article in RJPA when they have a financial interest that may influence, probably without their knowing, their interpretation of their results or those of others. We believe that, to make the best decision on how to deal with an article, we should know about any competing interests that authors may have, and that if we publish the article readers should know about them too.
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